Saturday, September 24, 2011

::. love and fate

Love is something we can choose. Although its already fated who are the ones we love, but we never know what are fate is. Our fate is our choice. It is fated what our choices are. So, it is choice, and that choice is fated.


perempuan virgin said...

please Tuhan, saya nak berjodoh dengan boyfriend saya.

.Am-OH-Am. said...

yeah, agree dat we can choosee love. :) but again, fate tak boleh pilih.

~Kenanga Suchi~ said...


ewanthology said...

tanpa sedar

monologtinism said...

dah ada

Unknown said...

doa kan ada

oshinz said...

aiyyyarrrkkkk.. macam berbelit sedikit. =)